Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Cases 2 and 3 complete

Quite a lot of catching up to do.
Both cases are now complete, using wooden rails as with the first.
They are also using Doepfer DIY power supplies, taken from The Cupboard, the power arriving through an XLR connector, as suggested by Tony at Synovatron.

Here's case #2 at various stages of completion,

Case 2 with Kevin

Case 2 framework

Case 2 XLR
Case 2 build complete

Case 3 edge

Case #3 was a little more difficult to adapt as there is a rail around the inside, as shown in the first image. This required a double thickness of plywood at the top of the case.

Case 3 framework

Case 3 build complete

While I continue to refine the double Dream Machine in Case #1, now using the Doepfer A143.4 Quad VCLFO , Case #2 is running the Livewire AFG and Dual Cyclotron and Case #3 has today received the ADDAC FM Radio and the Phonogene.

I acquired a fourth case at the weekend, larger than those used so far and hopefully deep enough for any of the modules, even the  Dewanatron Triple Slice and the SQ8 Sequencer.

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