Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Nearly there

The frame
Back in the case
The wood is done, first pass at least. Here's the frame, my starting point today. Add top bottom and middle and it's done.


While (on second calculation) I thought the Dream Machine would fit in terms of HP, I hadn't reckoned on the depth of the Analogue Solutions SQ8 which is far too deep. No matter, the TipTop Z8000, while significantly wider, is a nice fit in terms of depth, prettier and far more fun to play with. Whatever happened to the FSS Mini Sequencer?

When screwing the modules in, I found that bottom layer of sponge makes the frame too springy and would probably be the same when inserting patch cords, so I'll take that out and extend the frame. That will give extra space for the modules but I imagine the SQ8 will still not fit.

There's a uZeus on the way from Postmodular, but no third flying bus - I might have a lead on one. The wall wart is coming from Farnell. Pittsburgh Outs seem to be in short supply, but I found one which is now on its way from Australia (hang the expense of customs charges, I have Project Fever). Should be running by the end of the week with Outs, to make life easier, to follow.

I would love to fit another oscillator in. I wonder who makes the narrowest VCO? I only have power for ten modules until I find another lead and will have to be careful about power consumption.
I'll have to abandon the idea of storage space for the power supply and patch cords - I cannot afford to lose the HP.

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