Monday, 23 July 2012


I tried Schneiders for the uZeus but couldn't get their ordering system to work. That could be a good thing as, while awaiting a reply to a query, David at Postmodular replied with confirmation of stock so I will pursue that. Neither seem to have a Pittsburgh Outs at the moment.

On the Case, let's pause for a moment to acknowledge that the case insert, having removed the padding is reminiscent of the great Mondrian  and move on.

Taking out the interstices confirmed that my dad, bless the old bugger, built things to last and that's where I got that inclination. Now ready to build the framework, allowing for the possibility of a storage space if that works with a Dream Machine in place. I visited the splendid and nearby Modern Screws for some suitable product - they only had countersunk, rather than the panhead I need, but they will do for now (£1.56 for a box). I also called into B&Q (just round the corner) for some wood, but can probably take it back and use offcuts already in stock - but better safe than sorry as I hope to begin the wood build (except for the possible storage compartment) tomorrow.

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