Friday, 1 March 2013

Apples and Pears

Appleton and Perera exercise
Jon Appleton and Ronald Perera's The Development of and Practice of Electronic Music (1975 Prentice-Hall) includes an exercise using voice and music as sources (p. 165, see right).
ASys RS35

I have toyed with this idea several times and have set it up again using the marvellous Anaolgue Systems RS35. It does a delightful job of turning Radio 4 into wurble-bleep and I have ordered another. I intend to run two parallel patches taking Radio3 and Radio 4 respectively each through an RS35 to provide the lead noises and each into separate ASRs to provide some sort of conflicting drone background.

That'll need eight oscillators, a 6-channel mixer (original, wurble and drone *2) and possibly two cases. I'll try to post an example of one channel processing this weekend.

Speech on both channels (e.g. an interview with clear stereo separation) might be interesting: perhaps an episode of Any Questions. And maybe well-known speeches. Or Copland's Lincoln Portrait, if I can separate voice and orchestra.

An RS35 into the Trautonium could be fun, too.

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