And here's a run-down (I have the ones in bold):
Tiptop Z3000
Intellijel Dixie II (for size) and Rubicon (for flexibility)
Cyclonix Cyclebox
Makenoise DPO
Harvestman Piston Honda
Livewire AFG
HMs: Flame Talking Synth; Harvestman Hertz Donut; ASol and ASys; Bubblesound VCOb; Cwejman VCO6; Doepfer; Kilpatrick K3020, Metasonix R55; MFB Triple; Pittsburgh Generator; Malekko Anti.
Tiptop Z2040
Intellijel Korgasmotron
Harvestman Formanta Plovoks (worth a look from the description)
Livewire Frequensteiner
Doepfer Wasp
FoH Plague Bearer
HMs: AMSynth range; ASys RS500e; Cwejman range; Bubblesound SEM20; Doepfer range; Harvestman Bionic Lester; Intellijel Dr Octature; Metasonix R52; Pittsburgh; Toppobrillo; Malekko Borg & Boogie; WMD Synchrodyne and Hadron Collider.
Function Generators
MakeNoise Maths
MakeNoise Wogglebug
ADDAC Marble Physics
HMs 4MS PEG; ASys RS510e; Bubblesound uLFO; Circuit Abbey ADSRjr; Flame C3 Knob Recorder; Harvestman Double ANdore; Intellijel Quadra and Planar; MFB Dual LFO; Pittsburgh ADSR; Synthesis Tech E355 Morphing Dual LFO; Malekko Envelator and NoiseRing.
Sequencers, Clock Dividers & Pitch Quantisation
Tiptop Z8000 Matrix Sequencer
MakeNoise Pressure Points and René
Intellijel uScale
Pitch - ADDAC 207; Flame Tame Machine and Chord Machine; Doepfer A156; Toppobrillo Quantimator

Clock - Flame Clockwork; Doepfer A160; 4MS PEG
Mixers, Low-pass Gates, Utilities & Logic
MakeNoise Optomix and ModDemix
Intellijel Mutamix
HMs Doepfer range; Fonitronik MH01; Intellijel Unity Mixer; Manhatten Mix; STG .Mix; Synovatron CV Tools.
Tiptop Z5000 and ZDSP
Harvestman Malgorithm and Tyme Sefari
MakeNoise Echophon and Phonogene
Intellijel uFold
Toppobrillo Triple Wavefolder
Doepfer Spring Reverb
ASol SR01
HMs: Flame FX6; Doepfer BBDs; Pittsburgh Delay; FoH Sound of Shadows; Snazzy FX Ardcore; Synthesis Tech Deflector Shield; WMD Geiger Counter
The second image is the author's current setup.
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